
Virtual-Student Experience Program

The theme : Health Care System Strategy On Cultural Change In The Pandemic Era

The health care system strategy can increasing viewed as a necessary part to improve health services in culture change in pandemic era. We are in a new era, namely a health condition that is experiencing a pandemic so that it requires all people to change their lifestyle, including culture that can affect their health. Some studies have suggested that culture might be an important factor with the effectiveness of health care services. For example, culture can emphasize the group affilation, teamwork, and coordination have been associated with greater implementation of continuous quality improvement health in society.

Virtual Course

Course Title and Plan of Agenda Instructor CollegeBasic Knowlegde Requirements Quota
Nursing Care Plan for eldery in pandemic eraEni Surmaliyah  Nursing DiplomaNursing Care Plan4
Continuous Innovation for Community Health in Pandemic EraAries Chandra AnandhitaNursing BachelorCommunity Health Care4
Maternal And Child Health Services During The Covid Pandemic in Surabaya CityUmi Ma’rifahMidwiferyMaternal And Child Health Services4
Virtual Therapeutic Exercise During The Covid Pandemic in SurabayaKhabib AbdullahPhysiotherapyExercise Therapeutic4
Not YetSubhan RulliyansyahPharmacy 4
Management of COVID-19 specimens

Fitrotin Azizah

Ellies Tanjung

Medical LaboratoryDiagnostic Procedure Covid-198

To Apply